Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A work in progress...29

Too many distractions. Too Many ideas.

I seem to be losing my way with the book, I've got to 70,000 words, but it's all a muddle with no coherent narrative or voice. I've scrapped the idea of publishing or editing it online, although I may publish bits on this blog. I'm getting confused by striving to make the writing original and not conform to the traditional structure of a novel. I havew been hugely influenced by Mark Z Danielewski's House of Leaves, but trying to emulate such a work is way beyond my capabilites. I do however think the influence of DJs and film editors is one to follow, and I'm going to try and blend all the stories into one mix and create a dynamic read.

I have the rest of the week off and I'm going to get my writing pants on and get the bloody thing finished. I also have lots of feature ideas that I'm working on for the newspaper, some are interesting and will be fun to do. I also need the cash, as ever.

I wish I could sit all day and just write, but unfortunatley I have to work, having said that I have a cool job which at least doesn't take all my time and energy.

Once I have some semblance of order I'm going to start talking about the book more and psoting sections, I feel as though I need feedback.

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