Sunday, July 30, 2006

A work in progress...56

The children have been off school so not much time to devote to writing this week. The heat in southern england has been intolerable so even on a night, when the kids finally go to bed, it's been impossible to work and we've been going to bed early. I have mangaed to do a bit of revising and I have written a press release for my friend Al's new album, which he is happy with. I managed to go swimming on friday, but no time for yoga. It's been full on with the kids and it's been fun. We've been to the beach, cinema (Pirates of the Carribean 2), park to play football and on a long bicyle ride in the country. Next week I'm taking them camping on my own in Devon, we've begged, borrowed and bought the gear and we're really looking forward to it. It's only for four days and is very much a trial to see if we can rough it!
I'm going into London tomorrow to hear a preview of Al's album and also check some proofs of the redesign for the magazine. I'm back at work the following monday and hope to resume my writing.
I'm trying to get a copy of Balzac's Unamed Masterpiece and have been listening to Schoenberg. The writing is still very much alive, time, as always, is the problem.

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