Monday, October 03, 2005

A work in progress...28

I managed to find a new Moleskine notebook after a trawl around London's West End on Friday. Finances are particularly bad again this month so can't afford a richie hawtin CD, but got a download off the internet. I didn't do much writing over the weekend, just didn't have any energy. Hung out with the kids, read the papers and watched a couple of movies.
Wrote some more first-person stuff on the train this morning. Trying to work out a rhythm and ending for the book.
Got excited about writing in the moleskine, little things like that inspire me. I want to fill it full of beautiful poetry and prose. I write with an auto pencil, and it feels so natural and organic. I have two days off work this week and maybe the weekend to write. I'm going to try and write another 10,000 words and aim to tie up all the loose ends and then get down to work on editing it.

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