Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A work in progress...32

I keep reciting TS Eliot's The Wasteland.

Started to read Ulysses, still ploughing through the introduction, but like the idea of the book as one long poem. Also read a story in The Guardian about Tristram Shandy. Sounds like Sterne used some of the methods incorporated by Mark Z Danilewski in House of Leaves: ie little typographical flourishes and bland pages or black pages and chapters randomly pasted in. I must get a copy, maybe read it after Ulysses.

Had a dream last night that I found a picture in a book, someone's life story, the picture was of a party and there was my wife and I in our younger days, looking happy and carefree.

The writing is still going well, I write almost everyday, and I still enjoy it. I'm dealing with a lot of father/son issues as I delve into the character's [Nat] past. Very difficult to get the tone right, but it's getting there.

Also been thinking of Samuel Beckett's Godot.

It's so hard to find the right voice, and keep the belief going.

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