Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A work in progress...42

Valentine's Day came and went with barely any recognition. My daughter made me a card, as did my wife, and I returned the compliments, but other than a token gesture, nothing special.
An air of gllom and despondencey hangs over the house - we've been declned for a mortgage and my son is still ill. It's half-term and everyone's confined to the house. I am glad that I go out to work.

There are other mortgage lenders so we should be able to get one, but it depends how much for. It doesn't look as though we'll be moving into the house we've seen, which belongs to my ex brother in law, and I feel his asking price is too high anyway.

I seemed to have written loads, but not got anywhere. I thought I had cracked the first section, but now I'm not so sure. Still working on it, but the external pressures are starting to affect my writing, work and outlook. I feel like getting away from everyone and everything.

At least I managed to do yoga today, which is a positive. I'm also reading this excellent website from an established writer - her whole book on how to write is on her site and there's some very useful information.

Stephen King is also proving enetertaining, informative and inspirational. Both sources are excellent and are helping me through this rough period.

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