Friday, January 06, 2006


A couple of good friends have been in touch, offering their support and help, which is comforting. My wife has gone down to Devon for the weekend; we both need a bit of space so I'm at home with the kids. I was going to try and write while I had this time, but it's difficult with so much going on, I feel emotionally and mentally drained.

I'm also rebuilding my laptop so have had to backup work and files, which is a bit of a pain, but it needs to be done, since the motherboard blew up and was replaced it's been very slow.

At the moment I'm listening to Dr John's Seppiana Hericane album. It was recorded as a response to the New Orleans flooding. It's a beautiful soulful blues record, which of course deals with people who have lost everything, homes, loved ones etc and are left with nothing.

Hopeflly I'll get around to doing some work later or over the weekend. Still not sure what's going to happen regarding our future. We re both emotionally drained by it all.

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